Visual Media
This series contains photos, negatives, and other images from PB’s life and travels, with dates and location information where available. Nearly half of the images in this collection were generously donated by Evangeline Glass and her daughter Melody Talcott. This material has largely been sorted based on its physical properties or country location, rather than by content.
Visual Media
contains the following sub-series and folders. Click on a folder name to see a list of documents.
PBPF Photo Albums
The PBPF Photo Albums (numbered 1 through 9) were originally organized by the long-time resident of Wisdom’s Goldenrod, Carol DeAntoni. This was done several years after PB’s death, possibly with input from PB’s direct students Anthony and Ella May Damiani. Some albums have themes, such as Photo Album 3, which is primarily pictures of PB.
PBPF Negatives
The PBPF Negatives are closely related to the PBPF Photo Albums. Some, but not all, of these negatives are direct matches to positives in the Albums. We have organized the negatives by geographic region, miscellaneous (MI), and portraits of PB (PB). Geographic regions include: Africa (AF), Asia (AS), India (IN), Europe (EU), and United States (US).
Loose Photos
The Loose Photo Series came in part from the original PBPF photo collection – photos which for unknown reasons were not included in the original binders – and in part from other sources. These photos are organized into seven size categories. There are three additional categories: "Clips" (for portraits taken from pamphlets and other clippings), "A Wanderer in Angkor" (a photo album put together by PB from his trip to Angkor, which we have preserved in its original form), and "Oversized Negatives and Slides." Due to their size, these negatives have been kept within this group. The remaining negatives corresponding to the Loose Photo Series were incorporated into the PBPF Negatives group.
Glass-Talcott Photos
The Glass-Talcott (GT) Photos were donated to this collection by Evangeline Glass and Melody Talcott. We have organized their photographs into nine size categories, rather than by content.
Glass-Talcott Negatives
The GT Negatives were donated by Evangeline Glass and Melody Talcott. Like the PBPF Negatives, the GT Negatives are closely related to the GT Photos. The cross-referencing information of direct matches between the GT negatives and positives has been listed in the corresponding inventory. These negatives are organized by geographic region: Africa (AF), China (CH), Europe (EU), India (IN), Southeast Asia (SE), United States (US).