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About Paul Brunton

Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation - ABOUT PAUL BRUNTON

About Paul Brunton’s Philosophy

Paul Brunton (1898-1981) was a pioneer in developing a living philosophy of spiritual wisdom that provides a complete world view. A leading author and researcher, he became known worldwide as an authority on Eastern spirituality, mysticism, and philosophy.

Paul Brunton was dedicated to presenting the essence of spiritual development to all students of every faith and every social standing in language suited for the modern world. His philosophic writings are primarily meant to augment and deepen the practices of individuals who are committed to an independent spiritual pursuit and who have a reverence for the wide variety of teachings available in the world today. These teachings—as encapsulated in his 28 categories—begin with introduction to spiritual life, the re-education of the ego, and the attention to health; they conclude with a careful unfoldment of advanced meditation techniques and the philosophy behind their success.

For other information about Paul Brunton, his publications, and additional material not included in this archive: Paul Brunton Landing Page.

About the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation

The Foundation is the steward of Paul Brunton’s writings (published and unpublished), his photographs, and other memorabilia. We are also fortunate to have board members who knew Paul Brunton and several who worked closely with him in his later years and who are available to respond to questions regarding Brunton himself and his legacy.

The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation is a (501(c)(3)) non-profit foundation. Donations support our projects and are tax deductible unless otherwise noted: Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation - DONATIONS. The PBPF was incorporated in 1986 by: Brunton's son, Kenneth Hurst; his Swedish publisher, Robert Larson; and members of Wisdom’s Goldenrod, Ltd. For more information: Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation - ABOUT PBPF