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Advanced Keyword Search

Enter keywords to find the applicable documents. The results may include both original document files (that have matching metadata—and are not further searchable) as well as text searchable files. Open the text document and use the search function (in the top left) to locate the keywords. You can also limit your search to one or more series and/or document titles/item numbers.

Limit search to these series

The archived documents are divided into the following five series. You can limit your searches to specific series by selecting them below.

Limit search to this data

Searching the archive involves searching both metadata about each document (like titles and item numbers) and, where applicable, searching the full text of a document. Use the options below to fine-tune your keyword search.

Every document in the archive has searchable metadata. While the metadata is slightly different for each series, they all have titles, item numbers, brief content scope descriptions, and relevant names and places. This is the most general search and will lead you to documents that are very specifically related to your keywords.

You can search the full text of many of the written documents in the archive. Searching the full text will allow you to find specific keywords contained in the text of the documents. This is a much broader kind of search and could yield single mentions of obscure topics contained in some documents.