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PB's Travel Library

In order to save space and bring more reading with him on his travels, PB had works he was particularly interested in rebound, combining several works in a single hardcover volume. Some are made up of many retyped articles around a particular theme. Any titles that are easily available elsewhere have not been digitized.

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The digitized works in this volume are: The Chha'ndogya Upanishad and Sri Sankara's Commentary | Minor Upanishads | Vedantasara of Sadhananda | Aparokshanubhuti or Self-Realization

Advanced Philosophical Notes

The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Ananda Metteyya

The digitized works in this volume are: The Religion of Burma and Other Papers | The Wisdom of the Aryas

Art of Roerich

The digitized works in this volume are: Gurudev Nicholas Roerich | Maya: Its Spiritual Exposition Based on the Theory of Relativity | Mother India

Ashtavakra and Shankara

The digitized works in this volume are: Ashtavakra Gita | Select Works of Sri Sankaracharya. Subramanya Iyer guided PB through the translation of the Ashtavakra Gita; PB annotated it in three passes (marked with an asterisk, plus sign, and triangle, respectively).

Ashtavakra Conversations

A typed conversation between Ashtavakra and Janaka, with notes. The first two pages are missing.

Atma-Nirvriti (Freedom and Felicity in the Self)

We have only digitized one work in this volume, namely "Atma-Nirvriti (Freedom and Felicity in the Self)".

Baha'i Studies

Baha'i Studies (mostly from World Order Journal). The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Buddhist Lectures

The digitized works in this volume are: Nibbana | Sammadhitthi | The Buddhist Doctrine of Kamma and Rebirth | Dhammapada and the Life of the Buddha Sammadhitthi | The Buddhist Doctrine of Kamma and Rebirth | Dhammapada and the Life of the Buddha

Buddhist Studies

Notes on the Mystical Philosophy of Buddhism, etc. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Buddhist Tracts (circa 1927-1939)

The digitized works in this volume are: The Practice of Dhyana | The Making of a Buddhist | Ti-Sarana or the Three Refuges | The Life of the Buddha | The Word of the Buddha | What is Buddhism | The Essence of Buddha's Teaching | Some Salient Features of Buddhism | Some Parallels between Buddhist Thoughts and Conceptions in Modern Science | Anapati Sati

Drg-Drsya Viveka

The digitized works in this volume are: Avasthatraya (A Unique Feature of Vedanta) | Avasthatraya or the Unique Method of Vedanta | What does Swami Vivekananda say

Dvivedi's Introduction to Mandukyopanishad

The digitized works in this volume are: The Veerashaiva Weltanschauung | Quintessence of Lingayat Religion | Veerashaivism - Quo Vadis

F.W. Levenson with PB Comments

The digitized works in this volume are: Interview | Commentaries and Interviews by F.W.L. The Kabbalist Master | FWL's Commentary on J Langdon-Davies "Man and His Universe" | Marginal Notes on A Search in Secret Egypt | Commentary by F.W.L on "The Secret of the West" by Dmitri Merejkowski | A Commentary by F.W.L. on The Wisdom of the Overself

Fichte and Descartes

We have only digitized one work in this volume, namely "Tat Om Sat: Vedanta Light from Shri Dadji Maharaj".

Guru Nanak - Japji

We have only digitized one work in this volume, namely "The Philosophy of Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi".

Guyon - Method of Prayer

The digitized works in this volume are: A Short and Easy Method of Prayer | Truth | Life and Teachings of Sankaracharya

H.P. Blavatsky and Radhakrishnan

We have only digitized one work in this volume, namely "Reason and Its Limitations".

Indian Philosophic Congress

We presume that all the articles in this volume were originally published in the "Indian Philosophic Congress," but no publication information was noted. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Indian Philosophy and Aurobindo

This volume contains excerpts from Indian Philosophic Quarterly, The Philosophic Quarterly, and Indian Philosophical Congress. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Indian Wisdom

The digitized works in this volume are: A Weapon of the Mind | New Light on Old Path (from "The Amrita Bazar Patrika" - March 11, 1941) | An Appeal to all true Asiatic Aryans: Replenishment from the Central Source by A New Method of Raj Yoga | Spiritual Aspirants Beware! | Lectures Delivered in England

Insight School of Yoga - Lessons

Private Lessons in Practical Yoga for Western Students. A twelve part series about yogism that PB gave feeback on - see also "Insight School of Yoga - The Higher Teachings of Yoga" in the Biographical and Secondary Materials.

Jivanmukti Tripura Mandukya

The digitized works in this volume are: The Jivan-Mukti-Viveka or The Path to Liberation-In-This-Life | Various Articles

K.A.K. and Siddheswaranda Essays

This volume contains essays by K. A. Krishnaswami Iyer, Swami Siddheswarananda, and others. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Kuvalayananda Asanas and Pranayam

The digitized works in this volume are: A Full, a Short, and an Easy Course in Yoga Physical Culture for an Average Man of Health | The Chart Explained

Life Editorials

Many articles, including a significant number by Ernest Kirk, which were originally published in Life. There are also some excerpts from letters to PB. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Mahayana Notes

Many articles. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.


We have only digitized one work in this volume, namely "The Mandukyopanishad with Gaudapada's Karika and Sankara's Commentary".

Manly Hall Horizon

The digitized works in this volume are: Yoga and Samadhi | Advaita Causality and Human Freedom | Mazdaznan Vegetarian Cookery Recipes | International Journal on Scientific Yoga Culture

Philosophical Summaries

Notes and excerpts from various articles. After the first few pages, the contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Philosophy of the Beautiful

The digitized works in this volume are: The Philosophy of the Beautiful | Life Sketch of Swami Sri Ramdas

Published Essays by V. Subramanya Iyer

A large number of essays. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Ramdas Sai and Vedanta

The digitized works in this volume are: Editorials | Who Brings the Truth | The Coming Race | Suggestions for a Permanent Peace of the World and for Beginning a New Civilisation | The Ideas of God | Experiences of Devotees (of Sai Baba, Part 3)

Reincarnation and Vasudevaman

We have only digitized one work in this volume, namely "Heredity and Reincarnation".

Sadhu Santinatha

The digitized works in this volume are: The Critical Examination of the Non-dualistic Philosophy (Vedanta) | Appendices A B & C

Sai Baba Experiences

The digitized works in this volume are: Introduction to Sai Baba of Shirdi: with Devotees' Experiences Part 1 | Sri Sai Baba

Samadhi Yoga

The digitized works in this volume are: Swastika The Symbol of Ancient Wisdom | The Evolution of Indian Mysticism

Secret Doctrine of the Khmers & Covell

The digitized works in this volume are: Secret Doctrine of the Khmers | The Genesis of Our Journal | PB, the Reluctant but Dedicated Writer | Xeroxes from PB's Writing

Shankara - Thousand Teachings

The digitized works in this volume are: A Thousand Teachings: In Two Parts - Prose and Poetry | Ibn Al 'Arabi: The Great Muslim Mystic and Thinker | Revelation: A Sanskrit Version of the Ulladu Narpadu of Bhagavan Sri Ramana | Physics and Metaphysics | Masdaznan: Declaration of Freedom | The Ancient Science of Breath | The Meat Question | Transgress Not the Law | Thou Shalt Not Kill | Sri Ramana: The Sage of Arunagiri

Siddheswarananda French Lectures

Lectures on Vedanta by Swami Siddheswarananda of the Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Paris (in French).

Six Buddhist Pamphlets

The digitized works in this volume are: On the Culture of Mind | An Elucidation of Kamma | An Introduction to the Advaita Vedanta System | The Background and Early Use of the Buddha-Ksetra Concept | Three Extracts from The Eastern Buddhist. There are more than six pamphlets in this file.

Spiritual Notes - Subud First Series

The digitized works in this volume are: J.G Bennett in The Subud Chronicle (vol 1. 1958) | Subud Newsletter - May 1, 1959 | Subud - Introductory talk by Mr J. G. Bennett in San Francisco | Mr. Bennett's First Talk to Subud Probationers | Mr. Bennett's Second Talk to Subud Probationers | The Potentialities of Subud (first talk) | The Potentialities of Subud (second talk) | The Potentialities of Subud (third talk) | Subud Newsletter - April 17, 1959 | Testimonials | Vitamin News | A. J. Appasamy: Sundar Singh - A Biography | Letter to Kenneth Hurst | The Life of a Yogi

Sri Ramana Maharshi

We have only digitized one work in this volume, namely "Sri Ramanashram with a Life Sketch of the Maharshi".

Studies in Mystical Philosophy

A large number of essays. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Studies in Sufism

A large number of essays. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

The Advent Vol. 1

The digitized works in this volume are: The Advent Vol. 1 No. 1, Feb. 1944 | The Advent Vol. 1 No. 3, Aug. 1944 | The Advent Vol. 1 No. 4, Nov. 1944

The Bestowal of Blessing

The digitized works in this volume are: The Bestowal of Blessing | Mystics and Intellectualists

The Wisdom of the Infinite Way

This is a "pre-first-edition" - one of 20 copies Goldsmith had typed and given to specific people (this one is number 19).

Theosophy and Science

The digitized works in this volume are: Where Theosophy and Science Meet: A Stimulus to Modern Thought (Part I and II) | The Basic Conception of Buddhism | Karma: From the Buddhist Point of View | The Meaning and the Problem of Philosophy | Chapter I - Criterion of Truth | Chapter II - Critique of Reason | Chapter III - Prof. Zimmerman's Criticism of Advaitism

V.S. Iyer Advanced Commentaries

A large number of essays. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.

Yoga Vasistha Notes

Notes and excerpts from various articles. The contents of this book are entirely retyped from their original sources. Some are excerpts, and all may contain errors or changes made from the published versions.